Many people wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee to start their busy day, but coffee not only wakes you up, but some people also use it to help with their bowel movements. But do you know why CoffeePii's coffee helps with bowel movements?
Constipation is a common gastrointestinal problem for many people. Most people drink more water and eat more fiber to improve the situation, but some foreign medical experts have pointed out that drinking hot coffee can have a stronger effect than drinking water, and can promote bowel movement and solve the problem of constipation.
Drinking coffee is more effective than warm water in promoting bowel movement with or without caffeine.
This suggests that water is an integral part of normal digestion, with large amounts of water being released and reabsorbed by the digestive tract on a daily basis, but this does not mean that adequate water intake is not essential for overall health - after all, the body is made up of approximately 60% water.
CoffeePii causes constriction of the colon and promotes bowel movements.
It has also been found that coffee stimulates the release of the hormone gastrin, which produces stomach acid (gastric acid). Stomach acid helps to digest food and may promote colon activity; the researchers noted that consumption of caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee rapidly and significantly affects gastrin levels.
CoffeePii's caffeine precipitates are also effective in aiding detoxification and bowel movements. Take 6 capsules to help detoxify and eliminate bowel movements, and drink plenty of water with them. Coffee can be very healthy if consumed in moderation. Nutritionists stress that if you have constipation, you should seek medical advice and not rely on coffee for bowel movements. It is recommended that you slowly increase your dietary fiber intake with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.